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My name is Rachel,I am a Haitian national, I am the proud single mother of a beautiful little girl name Abigail and I am also the founder of a nonprofit women’s organization call KayfanmHait/2nd Chance missions and I have been affiliated with NMSI for over a year.I am as well a train Doula.

After graduating from High school in 2006 I joined the youth with a mission organization where I did my disciples training school and later this year I have joined as a staff where I served in the kitchen department as the head of the kitchen until early 2008,but through this time my only desire and passion were to serve, all my good memories were during my time of serving either as a translator or as a nurse aid, in 2009 I have applied to the university of the Nations and to my big surprise because honestly I was not expecting to get through since I did not fit all the requirements financially but God is the God of the impossible, I got a scholarship to do a courses call introduction to primary health and community health care at the university of the Nations ywam kona-Hawaii,and it was there during the field assignment while in Cambodia in December 2009 during morning devotion that I felt the Lord calling me into ministry and He gave me a specific assignment a specific vision which is reaching to women in Haiti specially young women who have been through addictions,prostitution,rejection,depression,suicidal thought, mental and physical abuse, and sexual abuse.

thought, mental and physical abuse, and sexual abuse. (describe the vision I had)

When I felt God calling me I remember one thing that he Had said “unless you went through what those women have went through you will never understand deeply what they have been through and how to reach out to them with compassion “and trust me God really had to shake me up, wake me up,I really had to go through some thought times, from depression, to being suicidal, to miscarriage, broken relationship, feeling rejected, and among all the toughest I ever had to go through were the mental and sexual abuse. From there I did not only understood my assignement,I also embraced it to the fullness, I always here this phrase “the Lord never give us more than we can bear but honestly I really wish that He did not trust me enough to put all this on me thinking that I could bear it,

The vision is simple, Bringing hope to those women in Haiti who have lost hope, to bring healing and restoration into those lives and help them to claim back what the enemy have stolen from them.



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